
For Iraq

For Iraq

The Association Purpose:

An association with artificial personality for a united, democratic and civilized Iraq that cares for Iraqi citizen keeps his/her rights and responsibilities towards his/her country and society. It also works to activate democratic dialogue and reconstruct Iraq. In its activities, it involves all Iraqis who have the real wishes to work for the sake of Iraq.

The Association Goals:

The Association for the sake of Iraq is an independent non-governmental Organization. It works to make a civilized and urban society through spreading the spirit of democracy in society .It works to spread justice principles and the rule of law. The ruler is the servant of the people and not the opposite. It works to liberate woman from domination and slavery throughout her active participation, together with her brother, in constructing Iraq and that is within the Islamic Legislation and other spiritual religions.

The Association is seeking to spread tolerance and peace living between all ethnicities and sects of the Iraqi people. override all kinds of radicalism .It tries hard to dedicate the principle of consultation of authority according to the constitution without any regency from any group on another and ensure the rights of all people and their democracy practices according to the constitution .The association tries to spread these aims and principles throughout making cultural clubs for the Iraqi people. It also tries to dedicate dialogue between different groups of people to reach what makes them all satisfied and make Iraq a developed and civilized country, free from occupation, united and ruled by a government elected by the Iraqi people with a constitution written by representatives of the Iraqis. Human rights are one of the important aims in this organization, monitoring and evaluation human rights a part from our work. Spreading human rights principles in Iraq community is very important aim in the organization strategy.

The Association Formation:

The association consists of three corporations:

  1. Democratic and civilized dialogue corporation. This corporation is a group of educated and lawful citizens who aim to make democratic dialogues between all the Iraqi people in order to activate democracy in the Iraqi society.
  2. Women Corporation: This Corporation is a group of creative and educated women who aim to go with their brothers to construct a developed and balanced society. This corporation tries to develop women abilities in the Iraqi society and activates their roles throughout making meetings, festivals, and different social activities. In addition, that will help to make women equal to men in rights, responsibilities, and go hand by hand to build a democratic Iraq.
  3. Culture and Science Corporation: This Corporation cares for culture and arts. It is a group of creative and educated people. It tries hard to develop the Iraqi ability in society throughout making courses in computers and internet. It also tries to illuminate the Iraqi people through direct dialogues with all classes of society to let them know the rights responsibilities of citizens.

Basic Principles:

  • Activating democratic dialogues in the urban society.
  • Ensuring the freedom of opinion، belief and thoughts.
  • Maintaining the Iraqi scientific، educational and cultural heritage.
  • Making relationships with similar directions inside and outside Iraq.
  • Ensuring the women rights and their roles in society.
  • Activating the youth role in constructing their society for the fact that they are considering the real insurance of the future.

Work style:

The association for the sake of Iraq depends on its democratic work and the expression right in all regulative, political, social and cultural affairs. The association adopts positive criticism, presenting points of view freely, free election and free voting on all decisions and on all systematic levels.

Membership terms:

  • Every citizen over the age of 18 is entitled to membership of the association.
  • Honesty, integrity and well behaved.
  • Must not have membership or affiliation with any other organization that has thoughts and aims differ from those of the association for the sake of Iraq.

The Association Structure:

  1. The Secretariat-General that consists of three persons who are the corporation’s secretariats of the association for the sake of Iraq. They must take the decision unanimously.
  2. The follow-up department that consists of a secretary of one of the three corporations with three persons who watch the work of the other association departments.
  3. Media and culture department.
  4. Organizing office.
  5. General relationship department.
  6. Administrative affairs department.
  7. Woman affairs department.
  8. Urban dialogue affairs department.
  9. Youth affairs department.

The systematic gradation:

  1. Everyone who belongs to the association name “Member".
  2. The character “Secretary" is name for the corporations secretaries of the association and these corporations are: woman، urban dialogue and Youth Corporation. The secretaries will be elect from the members of the three corporations. The decisions of the association will be issue throughout the secretary-general and the three secretaries must take these decisions as one man.

Association Financial Resources:

  1. Membership fees (50,000) Iraqi Dinars.
  2. The association activities such as courses, workshops and art exhibitions.
  3. Support from International Humanitarian organization.
  4. Support from the Iraqi Government.

Implemented Projects:

  1. The project of gathering on the referendum on the Human rights in Diyala. The project costs 45000$ and was funded by the British Conciliate.
  2. Six workshops, which executed in Diyala, Salah Al-Deen and Anbar governorate and a conference in Baghdad.
  3. The project of the constitution poster typing. Cost 7000$
  4. The project of EID Happiness: Distributing gifts, clothes to children and poor people in Diyala.
  5. The project of urging to participation in election. It implemented in Salah Al-Deen and Tikreet. This project costs 38000$    and the financer direction is BRITSH COUNCIL
  6. The project of Eid Sacrifices. It implemented in Diyala in order to distribute Food to the poor and orphans. This project costs 3000$ and the financer direction is CONTRIBUTION from volunteers.
  7. The project of the organized crime (studies and conference in Turkey with UNDP-POGAR). The target group was members of the parliaments and HJC.
  8. Monitoring and evaluation the projects of THE JORDAN – CANADA PROGRAM SUPPORT UNIT (Hereinafter referred to as “The PSU”)
  9. ILD project Iraqi legal database with UNDP-IRAQ (P/AM076/10 for professional consulting services between UNDP and for the sake of Iraq). The project coast $238,000

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