Training workshop at MoYS
The Department of Youth Culture and Arts at Ministry of Youth and Sports (MoYS), in cooperation with (For the Sake of Iraq) NGO, held a training workshop on psychological and social support skills at the training hall at the headquarters of the High Commission for Human Rights in Palestine Street. The workshop lasted for two days, attended by several academics and trainees from Anbar and Mosul And Saladin.
The director of the Department of Psychological and Social Rehabilitation in the Department of Youth Culture and Arts, Dr. Noha Najah, said that the aim of the workshop is to train a group of ministry staff and young volunteers in the youth and sports forums in Anbar, Ninewa, and Salahuddin provinces to form a task force to support future activities and programs. In the liberated governorates, as explained during the workshop the role of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in the establishment of activities and programs aimed at young people in areas liberated in the fight against extremism.
The Executive Director of the Iraqi Foundation, Dr. Ziadah Al-Quraishi, addressed the danger of recruiting gangs to support the children by exploiting their ignorance and lack of awareness of these risks, their easy control, and manipulation of their ideas and ease of movement of children in hot spots. With the participation of all State institutions for the rehabilitation of child combatants and rehabilitation of the community to accept them, while the Director of the implementation of the project, Aman, Marwa Aqil training skills and how to plan and implement awareness-raising activities, and during the workshop opened the door for dialogue for the sake of Shiny to the views to get to the proposals contribute to the achievement of the desired goals of the workshop.